By geeklove - 16/01/2012 03:30 - United States

Today, I got a Facebook message from the school genius/nerd, who I have never talked to. He politely informed me that after much thought and deliberation, he has narrowed it down to who his ideal mate is. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 749
You deserved it 7 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be flattered! at least you have someone. he might be your boss some day...


zawa_kitty 0

Nerds are hot. I see no problem here. =w=

you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. can that even apply here?

blacksswan 10

Girls need to start searching for guys with goals and craving for success because ten years from now "swag" wont pay your bills. Go for it OP! He might turn out to be the sweetest person ever. & it won't kill you to give him a chance. :) & if you don't you MIGHT end up regretting it or maybe not..

Don't knock the nerds! They make the best boyfriends/girlfriends! Plus they know how to fix stuff.

Well OP you know if you don't think he is... you can either just decline or delete the message. It doesn't take a genius/nerd to figure out how to reply to a message in such a matter.

I've calculated that there's a 0.085% chance that anyone will read this since it's so far down the list, but **** it. Some of us nerds take a little while to grow into our bodies and learn how to talk to people. I was in my 20's before I figured out how to talk to women, which coincidentally is when I met Mrs. Bastard. Now 15 years and two kids later, I think I'm doing just fine. it drives my crazy that so many high school children (yes, CHILDREN) are so obsessed with how people see then rather than how people treat them. OP when you get out into the real world, you'll change how you think quickly.

rosemary_fml 5

I agree with you, but I think that there's an underlying challenge/problem that men face when talking to women (compounded by the fact that most women don't realize it themselves). It is this--women have to gauge and place the men in their lives in at least one of two categories: Threat or Non-Threat. They have to decide, and usually do it quickly, if the man standing next to them could or would in someway harm them. It's a subconscious thing and as much as we like to pretend that sexism no longer exists, the violence towards women that has been going on since the dawn of time, is still ocurring all the time today. Therefore, unfortunately, when a man ( or in this case, an adolescent male) presents himself as anything but "normal", he is already throwing himself into the potential Threat category.

perdix 29

My main problem in high school is that I would get fixated on one girl at a time and wouldn't consider dating anyone else. I was way too serious back then.

Iknoweverything 29

Doc, I am inclined to agree with you. I'm dating a nerd, who does happen to be a little eccentric and a little bit older. What I've found is that he's less of a jerk, and more of a man despite his sensitivity. Oh, and the fact that he wasn't aware that his penis was freaking huge was kind of nice too... I get a lot more effort in bed with a lot less ego. I can't say all nerds have huge penises, but I DO think they give a hell of a lot more to their women in order to make up for some of the awkward social skills.

Don't people decide on how to treat you by how they see you? I.E. If they see you're a jerk they treat you badly?

ArielTheMermaid 17

I highly doubt that the nerd will become a pimp..

Remember, Bill Gates was a nerd, look at him now! one of the worlds richest people...