By fuck - 16/12/2014 21:04 - Norway - Slemmestad

Today, I got a new downstairs neighbor. Herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 537
You deserved it 37 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's one tenant that will never vacate the premises...

Contact the landlord. And tell him to smarten up next time!!


Well, how did you get--*looks at username,* ooohhhh...

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me.....herpes.

Dang, worst neighbors ever. Always popping up to hang out at the worst times

There's still a chance you can be happy like the people in those herpes commercials. There is hope!

This make me think of when Joey did those std commercials on Friends. Funny episode. Best show!

crazymike1976 3

Not a 100% chance to block herpes, skin to skin contact spreads it.

80% of the people in the world have herpes, and 90% of them do not even know they have it. No big deal, hopefully it'll be one outbreak and then nothing.

At first, I read that as "I gave my new down stairs neighbor herpes"