By fuck - 16/12/2014 21:04 - Norway - Slemmestad

Today, I got a new downstairs neighbor. Herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 537
You deserved it 37 391

Same thing different taste

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Well that's one tenant that will never vacate the premises...

Contact the landlord. And tell him to smarten up next time!!


LostInTheZone11 29

That's why you're supposed to wear a condom unless the other person has a piece of paper that says they don't have ghonnaherpasyphilaids. So YDI honestly UNLESS it was with your spouse and they cheated and in that case I'd go ahead and spray paint they have herpes on their belongings.

Herpes can be transmitted by skin on skin contact. Using a condom will help your chances but not stop it from spreading completely.

You can get negative tests for years and still have it. Now shut your ignorant word hole. No one deserves it.

but does it pry into your business and play loud music late at night

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MzZombicidal 36

Not only ****** have STDs. Lol. Honest, clean people can end up with a disease because of a simple lie or simple mistake.

Also if by ****** you mean prostitutes (which the derogatory term actually refers to), they are very unlikely to have STDs, seeing as that would stop them from working.

Well that's one neighbor that won't borrow a cup of sugar.

PokeyPorcupine 18

Yeah....might wanna ask yourself if it's suppose to look like that.

Shit man just deal with it and try to put one foot in front of the other and go abouts your life!

I think I read a FML once of a person that got it and they said they were a virgin...could be worse ha

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MzZombicidal 36

Don't be gross? lol. So it's gross to have sex now?

Wow, what rock did you just crawl out from under #41? OP can still have sex and not just with like afflicted people. If they don't have a sore/breakout they can use a condom and be just as safe as before they contracted it. Doctors tell patients up front that it's less likely to be contracted when using a condom and being clear of sores. You might want to take a peek at the Web MD website.

#59 - while I agree with much of what you said, the term "afflicted people" made me think more of zombies than STI's

You don't have to be celibate or only sleep with others also infected. Taking the antiviral pills and using a condom, and only having sex while not having an outbreak drastically reduce your chances of spreading it. Plus, just an FYI, Duke University is closing in on a cure, clinical trials in humans are expected in about 5 to 10 years.

Taking the meds and wearing a condom while not having an outbreak may prevent it from spreading to another person, but I think we all agree that it has to be said that they have herpes before they sleep with anyone. It's only fair to let someone else know that, although the chances of them catching it while using all those precautions, you do still have it and it may still be passed on. It's not fair to not tell someone you have it just because you were using all those precautions. Full disclosure.