By fuck - 16/12/2014 21:04 - Norway - Slemmestad

Today, I got a new downstairs neighbor. Herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 537
You deserved it 37 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's one tenant that will never vacate the premises...

Contact the landlord. And tell him to smarten up next time!!


my best friend has had it for over 10 years cause he had his fun with strippers, but he's been in a couple relationships and has had several partners since and not one has contracted the virus. just be careful, strap up and keep your head up. life goes on OP.

AylaMarie92 18

Hey OP, I've been living with it for a while now and it sucks a lot.... But it's not the end of the world. You can live a perfectly normal and happy life with HSV. Feel free to message me if you want to talk about it, you aren't alone!!!

ndnpride88 25

Keep your head up. It sucks but you could still live around it. Just be careful when you have a breakout. Take meds when you start to see a break out. And DO NOT HIDE IT FROM WHOEVER YOU SLEEP WITH.

Don't let it get you down too much, I'm sure you can still live a normal life.

Why are so many people saying that they deserved it? Ignorance... Ignorance everywhere.

Nice job *****. That'll teach you a lesson. A sexy sexy lesson.

graphicstyle7 17

Google "herpes". Chances are, you already had it for years. Most people don't realize a cold sore is a herpes sore... ALSO, most people don't realize herpes was "pushed" as a "problem" by pharmaceutical companies. It's no more a problem than having warts or zits. You're not going to die or have your life altered in any way. Like I say, if you don't believe me, look into it online. It's just not a big deal at all.

Yeah, except he said he had a new DOWNSTAIRS neighbor.. I highly doubt he has cold sores.

That's actually the same thing. Do some research.

Vesi 29

Actually.. no it isn't. I have cold sores and went right to the doc about the mouth/genital spread. It's two different types.

You can get either type in either location, so he could have HSV1 on his genitals. Still spreads through direct skin contact with blisters present.