By Anonymous - 07/11/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, I got a new job. I'm 26 and I left an amazing job to move back to be around my family. I have no choice but to take this job. I will be placing my finger in a dead turkeys ass, cutting open its stomach, and ripping out its guts. 15 per minute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 104
You deserved it 10 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd never leave a good job just to return to family. A good job is the basis for a happy, thus healthy, life. I'm not a workaholic. So YDI. Unless there's a family member that couldn't move and needs you to care for.

You left your good job to be with your family. It was your decision so harden the **** up.


if i was you.. i'd start dealing drugs! j/k

its good to be around family but dont forget they wont support you forever you have to make sure you have a job that matches your current job or exceeds it before you make a decision like thsi

its good to be around family but dont forget they wont support you forever you have to make sure you have a job that matches your current job or exceeds it before you make a decision like thsi

Brooklynxman 0

1 every 4 seconds? Thats impressively fast.

perdix 29

The worst part is that it gives you a raging erection every four seconds! When do you think you'll get promoted to fingering live turkeys?

Nothing better than being close to family huh? I'd do the same. I mean getting a job close to my family... not fingering turkeys. lulz you did good man

Littlerunner 0
alex_vik 0

I'm confused. Do you mean 15 turkeys per minute, or 15 dollars per minute? If it's the first, then you shouldn't have taken the job, if it's the second, you're making $900 an hour!

Today, my sister got electrocuted, then had her neck cut open. I saw her bleed to death, then a guy came and stuck his finger up her ass, sliced open her stomach, and pulled out her guts. I'm 120 turkeys behind her. My turn to die is in a few minutes. FML