By titkip - 02/04/2016 00:30 - Kenya - Nairobi

Today, I got a text from a call girl. She asked me to delete her number because I'm too demanding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 765
You deserved it 9 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you shouldn't ask call girls to slather themselves in mayonnaise and hop on one leg while hooting like an owl.


Maybe you shouldn't ask call girls to slather themselves in mayonnaise and hop on one leg while hooting like an owl.

I've been blacklisted by most call girls at this point. The mayonnaise is my favorite too. It's what I get for misunderstanding "condoms" as "condiments".

Try switching to Miracle Whip. A call girl just isn't a call girl without the tangy zip of miracle whip! I need therapy.

Best. comment. ever! In ANY context.

Nyattack 14

Wow... I'm wondering what kind of person you must be.

It's rlly weird how u say "a girl" and not "my friend" or something

robbiemad 7
joeyl2008 29

No call girls are not hookers, hookers a cheaper usually around $5 to 50 bucks depends on the amount of stds and the last time she has showered call girls on the other hand are classy legal and cost a lot more and don't give as good of bj's because of all the teeth.

Yeah my b I didn't see the call the first time I read it. Makes better Sense now thanks

ulissey_fml 22

This gives **** blocked quite a new meaning...

rosha267 21

Consider this your wake up call

Is there some backstory that I'm missing with this?

Dropped by a call girl. I think it's safe to play "fill in the blank" here.

joeyl2008 29

Just go to and find a new one.