By Anonymous - 06/05/2015 17:44 - United States - Riverside

Today, I got a text from a guy I hooked up with. I'm not really interested in him, so I rushed out of his house last night. He was letting me know I left my wallet at his house, and if I want it, I'll have to let him take me to dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 319
You deserved it 37 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not saying he's right or wrong for using her wallet as an excuse to go on a date with her, but she used him. She wasn't interested in him, so instead she used him for sex and probably toyed with his emotions, which is a very wrong thing to do.


well atleast he was nice enough to tell you and return it unlike most fucktards who keep other peoples belongings

cosmicdancer84 7

Let's reverse the genders in this situation. let's say a guy had a one night and a girl tried to blackmail him into dinner, you'd all say she's crazy. This guy isn't being cute. if he were a gentleman, he'd mail the wallet to her. Women are entitled to one night stands too because they like to get laid just like men do. deal with it.

Axel5238 29

I agree with you if it was a women doing it she'd be crazy. However, the notion guys do it so women should do it is iffy only because either way it's still not great behavior either way. Guys do a lot of shitty things and try to justify it. If a guy sleeps around too much he should be looked at as a potential risk not celebrated. On the flip side women know it's risky and dangerous know lot's of guys do it doesn't make it good behavior to emulate. Regardless of gender/sexual orientation it's risky and shouldn't be celebrated. TLDR: If it was a chick she'd be crazy not cute. Gender/sexual orientation 1 night stands are a choice, but it's risky regardless and like any choice can and will be judged for it.

People need to stop shaming OP for having a one night stand. Sex is great. I'd suggest taking the date, get some free food out of it and just get your wallet back. If he tries to withhold your wallet from you accuse him of blackmail and theft and threaten to call the cops. If he still doesn't return it, actually do call the cops. Or just skip the date and tell him to return it or you'll report it to the police as theft, because it technically is.

Why are people saying she deserves it? He's guilting her into a date by holding her property against her. That's really gross

maybe it's just a wallet, maybe you didn't put money in it. lol ??

Im surprised and digusted at the amount of people shaming this person for havubg safe, consentual sex with an adult. One night stands are common and only the women are shamed for it. There is no reason to be ashamed, OP, sex can be fun and a one night stand is a perfect way to do this. You do not deserve to be tricked into anything you didnt want to do.

And he used her for the same purpose! That is what one night stands are! 2 adults having safe consentual sex for fun!! What a concept!!

Any way you can have a friend go over and pick up the wallet for you, OP?