By fuckmuppeter512 - 04/01/2014 22:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a text from my girlfriend. After only having sex once, where I wore a condom and didn't even get to come, she says that she's pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 886
You deserved it 8 706

Same thing different taste


whathefuckislife 11

this should be obvious, but get a DNA test.

mxij 13

It's possible, but I highly doubt it's yours. My best advice is a pregnancy test, and then a paternity test

franklydizzy 5

its possible but highly unlikely. if you only had sex once i'm assuming you just got together or she was holding out. she could have messed up and screwed someone else and then let you hit it so that she could pin the baby on you. or it could be a test to see how you would react if it did really happen.

wowsaint 4

You made her pregnant through Bluetooth or WiFi signals...

Its possible but highly unlikely considering the unbroken condom and no ejaculation, though he didnt say anything about foreplay and whether he played around the general area of the ****** and even a little penetration before the actual sex remember that phrase "pre cum" and "pre ejaculate"?

HammyBear13 8

I smell a cheater. Sorry dude. Id have a DNA and STD test done. Any girl who thinks she can blame a pregnancy on you after those circumstances is a risk factor. Stay away from her.

that ain't your kid, run away, run far far away

You don't have to cum to get someone pregnant. There's still sperm in pre-cum.

that sounds kind of odd, conseidering i never used one and i always finish..(not inside) and done it at least 10 times with one