By sam - 15/12/2010 20:11 - United States

Today, I got a text just before class that my partner didn't finish their half of our 30 page research paper because "That class is stupid". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 851
You deserved it 4 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats why you don't depend on anyone but yourself.

Get your revenge, OP. You know what's better than revenge? Nothing.


Show the tutor the text. I did have a 'fun' group project in secondary school. 5 of us. The other four slacked off. I decided to also slack off, because, bugger all this for a lark, I wasn't doing their work for them. They then scapegoated me for not doing the work. Teacher then asked them why they didn't pick up the slack. I explained that I did nothing as a protest. Whilst I got no mark, they got in deep shit.

FFML_314 11

I didn't feel like typing "his or her" because I felt lazy at that moment. I feel only slightly less lazy right now.

deafeningsilence 8

But I think that "their" is correct if you know the gender. I don't know why OP didn't just say "his" or "her" though.

deafeningsilence 8

Ahh sorry didn't read the rest of the thread. Carry on..

*blows hunting horn* TROLL HUNT! *fires blunderbuss*

jahr4mkr 1

OP that's really lame that your partner did that, but at least you didn't have number 15 as a partner. They obviously have no priorities in life since they think education is a waste of time; so in comparison your partner is still smarter than this idiot. Go have a quiet personal talk with the teacher. Then ask to set up a meeting with the teacher, your partner and yourself so that you can discuss your partner's lack of commitment to the project and lack of respect for your and your teacher's time; that way the teacher should be able to decipher how to handle the jerk and you maintain your professionalism.

lol I didnt know this was English class. thx for writing an essay

Kxd- I didn't know you created FML and the comment section and dictated what could be said here.

Hopefully it isn't something that's a joint mark. However you should explain to your teacher asap that you've pulled your weight and if you have to show that text as proof. However, surely, you should've had to share data and drafts and stuff so that your paper actually flowed and didn't unnecessarily repeat itself, so did you not get any hints that they might not be doing any work, or did you not bother working together on a joint project?

Wow cinn; you've always been so grammatically correct until now!

Nah, not really, I just somehow managed to make it look like I knew what I was doing. :P Though I'm curious, the only potential mistake I see is where I wrote a 'to' instead of 'too'... Or maybe a stray comma, ah crap, look what you've started! :P

Well yes, I understand that. But my point was that they should probably have at least talked about it on more than one occasion. If not to just check they were on the same wavelength with what needed doing by the other person and whether or not they needed extra help to get their bit done. It's common sense to keep an eye on what the other person's doing, it doesn't take a lot of time to take a few minutes to discuss how it's going.

There is that, and I didn't mean to say that the OP definately hadn't done anything like that, just that it was possible they hadn't. But somehow I can't help but feel as their partner's excuse was 'that class is stupid' that there might've been hints before the text.

sneak into his house and night and superman him. that'll teach him a lesson. ... it teaches everyone their lesson.

Hot_mamas2255 0

YDI for relying on someone else to do the other half you should have made sure your partner was doing his or her part

greatnt249 0

Yeah, because you can always control the actions of others with complete success. Slackers will be slackers, no matter how much you protest.

They are in high school/college OP shouldn't be checking on them like they are a little kid.

JayBear14 11

You don't always get to pick your partners.

I always get stuck with the person who doesn't do shit... I usually choose to do it myself if I can. FYL for sure OP, group projects suck.

And tht is y I hate working with partners thts happened to me tons of times its so ******* annoying