By hairless - 30/07/2010 06:45 - Australia

Today, I got a XXX wax, because my boyfriend wouldn't go down on me as he didn't like the hair. Now he won't sleep with me at all because I look like a child with no pubic hair, and he "feels like a pedophile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 10 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's basically a guy who wants a permanent excuse to not go down on you, OP. :P

Sounds like your boyfriend is full of excuses tell him to man up or you aren't returning the favor


i read this making sure and yeah u guys are gay gay...................

alanirys 0

excuse! leave him, he's an ass!

hair downstairs is gross xP get a new bf


haha you should of got a landing strip(:

soccerbabe555 0

korie your gorgeouss! (: and op it's alright as long as your comfortable! all thaats left to do is thee breakup

YDI. Guys who insist on hairlessness don't want real women, they want blow-up dolls. Real, live, living, breathing women have hair, dammit!

yourkiddingright_fml 0

He just doesn't want to eat pussy!! Make damned sure he never gets a ********! Any man who won't eat does not deserve to be sucked!

rockstatic 0

You did the right thing. Hairy chicks are just gross. Dump the boyfriend though; he's an idiot and a douchebag.

I suppose hairy dudes are gross, then? It's natural to have hair down there. If you want to shave/wax it, fine, that's your prerogative. But it's certainly not gross. It's just hair.