By hairless - 30/07/2010 06:45 - Australia

Today, I got a XXX wax, because my boyfriend wouldn't go down on me as he didn't like the hair. Now he won't sleep with me at all because I look like a child with no pubic hair, and he "feels like a pedophile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 10 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's basically a guy who wants a permanent excuse to not go down on you, OP. :P

Sounds like your boyfriend is full of excuses tell him to man up or you aren't returning the favor


rkcraig53 0

First, insert index, then smell to make sure all is well. If all is well, your man just don't like the flavor of ur ******!

Sparkiee93 3

Return the favor and refuse to go down on him. Or he is gay.

rkcraig53 0

DO YOUR OWN SMELL TEST! If it doesn't smell like a 3 day old rotting t@mpon, he just doesn't like your HOOTER!

toribabie 0

Your boyfriend is a freak. Hair is icky down there.


Wow, seriously what is wrong wit your bf? he wanted u hairless and u love him enough to go through the pain of waxing and now he won't touch u. he has some serious problems. Any guy would loveee for their gf to do that. I love my bf so much and on my own I decided to go hairless. It hurt but was worth it. He didn't ask me to do it, he goes down on me either way. With hair or with no hair. This guy obiviously doesn't love or care about you to see that u did tht for him. I think u should talk to him bout it or rethink ur relationship. You deserve someone better who will appreciate the things u do for him. :)

JokeMeister 0

Damned if you do, damned if you don't! You need a new boyfriend.

tristun69 0

It seems like your boyfriend is the childish one here.