By hairless - 30/07/2010 06:45 - Australia

Today, I got a XXX wax, because my boyfriend wouldn't go down on me as he didn't like the hair. Now he won't sleep with me at all because I look like a child with no pubic hair, and he "feels like a pedophile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 434
You deserved it 10 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's basically a guy who wants a permanent excuse to not go down on you, OP. :P

Sounds like your boyfriend is full of excuses tell him to man up or you aren't returning the favor


onyxnamida 0

Stop going down on him. Tell him he looks too small while it's so hairy and you're no longer impressed. If he does shave, tell him his balls look too wrinkly and you feel like a grave robber.

chonnner 0

I'll go down on that clean pussy

sallen0046 4

So next time you'll know to ask what someone likes if you're interested in pleasing them. Expect unpleasant results when you go to extremes to make someone else happy.

ha so you basically do what your bf wants?

YellowCatch 0

What a douche!!! most guys if they are guys would gobble that up in a sex xD

And how, pray tell, does one get "in a sex"?

the same place you get promblems. I SEE WHAT I DID HERE.

sew u get in a sex holesail while boat don't goes?

skyeyez9 24

Your bf is weird. Most guys love a "clean workspace."

he's obviously just making excuses. hold out on him til he stops bein so dumb