By AdriBAMF - 17/10/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I got asked to Homecoming by the person I really like. I said yes and I was really excited. But my best friend who has liked me since the 6th grade wasn't. He went and broke my date's jaw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 322
You deserved it 7 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah...I wouldn't date that best friend. Seems a bit unstable.


So...are you stating it is IMPOSSIBLE to be friends with someone of the opposite sex? Wow. there goes half my friends. Also, are you stating that if a girl is lesbian she shouldn't have guy friends in case they end up having crushes on em?

RubixMonkey 0

Whatever the reason for Op not dating him he had no right to punch the guy. Op was not dating him and if she knew about it before hand they have probably had the "conversation" about her not liking him. He chose to stick around, no one made him keep being friends with her. He had no right to punch that guy for liking Op and asking her out. She said yes. She has the right NOT to be attracted to her friend. No one says we have to give out ('cept Pimpin) because you are there.

IOwnedYou 0

Your friend is a douche bag, he should get over you if you don't like him back in the same way, and wtf, friends don't do that.

There's an old addage that goes something like this: 'nice guys finish last. '. And it is true. While we don't know the circumstances in which caused the 'friend' to break dudes jaw, and there is no good excuse for that anyways, I agree that op deserves it. And I will tell you why, for those who care to read my rant. I went through my entire high school career always stuck in the 'friend zone'. Every girl I liked, I treated well, was caring, blah blah blah. And when I got my balls out of their purse and confessed my feelings it was always "but we are such good friends, I don't want to ruin that. " we 'friends' are the ones who listen to you girls bitch about how you want a 'nice guy', and no one wants anything more than sex. Well, open your ******* eyes. We were there actually listening, we were there to make you feel better when you were down. Then when you have successfully turned all the 'friends' into assholes, you realize that you could have had someone decent. But by the time you grow up enough to see this, there are not many nice guys left. But let me clear this up. I do not think that ALL females are this way, and I am happily married with 2 wonderful children. HOWEVER, I am not the 'nice' guy that I was in high school. Not to say that I am an asshole now, although some might call me that. I just learned how to sta out of the friend zone. I agree with a previous post. Most girls, I repeat, most do keep the nice guy around as a back up, just in case. But by the time said girl realizes that the nice guy is who she really wants, he has gotten fed up and moved on. Usually to become the asshole that she was going for previously.

RubixMonkey 0

How do we know that the Op's friend is the "nice guy". He sounds like an ass if he punches people. I think Op was right not to go out with him. Don't turn this into a rant about nice guys finish last. The Op's friend was in the wrong, he had no right to prevent Op from pursuing someone she liked.

Obviously you didn't read the first two sentences. Read it again then get back to me.

RubixMonkey 0

It wasn't meant to be a reply to yours. It was meant to reply to a different one.

Ever thought the "but we are such good friends" bit is just a ruse to try and keep from hurting your feelings? You'd be surprised how many people have friends they don't really like but are too much of a pussy to say so. Same goes for the "you're too nice" or "we're too close" or whatever the **** bullshit excuses. They're all pretty much bullshit excuses. You also really didn't elaborate on how she deserves it. She deserves it because she doesn't feel the same for him currently? Wait, what? And I have never kept someone a friend just for a "back up." That's cruel and to be honest I find it a little too slutty for my taste. (Meaning, it seems to me like saying "well this guy won't accept my tongue-wrestling/open legs but I'll always have THIS guy!"). I've kept them as a friend because I wanted to still be friends. Is that really such an insane concept these days?

Maybe you have never kept a back up, but as I stated, I'm not talking about all women. And she deserves it because most people know there is very rarely a such thing as a platonic friendship. If you have one, or some, awesome. That is good for you. But I would have to say that 98% of guys do not want just 'friendship'. And most girls know that, but lead dudes on anyways. Again, I said most. Not all.

Dude.... the way you described people that are always "in the friend zone" is a dead-on description of what I did with a girl who I liked for 3 years, and then I got fed up and left lol. Except I'm still the same. I don't really want to change, I guess. Even though it sucks =P

Wait what? Very rarely friendships are platonic? And how do you come to this conclusion? Seriously, I can't even fathom how you could think such a statement is logical by any means. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has wanted to **** all their friends, or even the majority of them.

And, really, I'm rathered peeved at your assumption that all men are horny bastards. I've known plenty of guys who are not like that. They know plenty of guys who are not like that. Just because YOU'VE only made friends with a girl just to screw her doesn't mean all other guys are jerks like that.

RubixMonkey 0

I agree Dame, it is ignorant of him to think just because some girls are a certain way and he can't get laid by some girl who thought he was her friend then everyone is like that. Do you know how sexist that sounds? That a friendship must be based off what sexual favors a person can get/should get? I don't understand your logic. So just because Op didn't like her friend who she thought was just that, a friend, her date deserved to have his jaw broken and for her to lose what might have been a lovely night? I hate guys like you, you feel entitled. You put us back into the stone age. You want to **** someone hire a stripper, dress her up like one of the guys and then act out your stupid fantasies of a best friend just there to ****. We are not obligated to like you just because you are there. By your logic we might as well just get down on our knees and **** everyone, brothers, cousins, and strangers on the street.

First off, don't put words into my mouth. I never said I was entitled, I am simply saying thAt MOST!!!! Guys become friends with girls because they have intimate feelings for them. And then when they let the girl know how they feel, MOST of the time if she does not feel the same, she will try to continue the friendship, stringing the guy along, knowing why he became friends with her. I cannot stress enough that I am not talking about ALL platonic friendships. So stop trying to make me the asshole. Secondly, I have no problem getting laid. As I stated I am happily married with two kids. Did I have trouble when I was younger, yes. That is the whole point of my post. Let's not get it twisted. I don't understand how you think I am being sexist. I am just stating the facts. Seems to me like you are possibly trying to justify your own actions by twisting my words. Read my entire post(s). Perhaps then you will comprehend what I am trying to say.

You are being sexist because you're saying most guys are horny assholes. They're... not. Sorry. Of all the guy friends I've had, I've had only six interested in me. I'm sure most girls can say the same. That puts them in the minority. You seriously think people can't become friends y'know for the sake of being friends? Sad world you live in, then... And, really, HOW is she stringing him along? He was denied. She has no control over him. He should leave if he has such an issue. She's not flirting or teasing, she's just being a friend. Unless you think all friendly manners are completely sexual?

RubixMonkey 0

Nooo, don't answer my phone calls and ask how my day is! It means you are stringing me along! And no, don't become interested in my life, you *****. And of course don't tell me you aren't interested BUT if I WANT to continue being friends then it is MY choice. Don't give me choices unless its between pants or no pants. Oh, what the hell, you denied me and then like three years later when you have been clear you aren't interested in me you let some JERK ask you out. I mean its not like I overreacted. Anyone would do it, right? Sorry about peeing on you, but they have to know you are mine. Wait where are you going? Come back! Dammit. Why does this always happen to me? Uh hello MR. Officer. No... well she's a *****, she won't give out. You understand, all men understand. All men want to get--see you have a female officer of the law right there...

Rubix, your sarcasm is noted, but not needed. I thought that we were having a somewhat mature discussion. Apparently not. But I forgot that most people on this site are still immature little brats. My bad. And Dame, arguing with you is like listening to a broken record. The both of you are STILL twisting what I have said around.

RubixMonkey 0

Dame is like a favorite song you hear on the radio. I am allowed to say what I want. Despite me being overly sarcastic, I did make a good point. It is not always about girls leading guys on. If the guy has a problem then he needs to leave. We don't enslave them. Find someone else to horn dog on if the girl says no.

Again twisting my words!!!!! I never said you weren't allowed to ******* say anything! FFS!!!

Furthermore, and just so we are clear ( because apparently I have to explain everything to you) I am not telling you not to, I'm sure Dame can defend herself.

What words am I twisting? You SAID "MOST!!!! Guys become friends with girls because they have intimate feelings for them." You SAID "she will try to continue the friendship, stringing the guy along," This is exactly what you have posted. I am not twisting your words, this is exactly what you have said. You said most guys are only in it for the screw, you said most girls are stringing said guys along. So I say again: You really think PEOPLE as in GIRLS and GUYS can't/won't/DON'T become friends for the sake of being friends? And I ask again: HOW is continuing to be friends or wanting to stay friends stringing the guy along?

You are twisting my words by taking what was written and only quoting what you deem to be the entire sentence. Yes, I said most guys will befriend a girl because he likes them. Intimate feelings does not always mean sex, just so you know. When you grow up you will realize that. And again, there you go saying that I think, my turn to quote, "You really think people as in GIRLS and GUYS can't/won't/DON'T become friends for the sake of being friends?" I could have sworn I wrote, and YOU quoted that I don't believe that is the case in all instances. Are you that dense, or are you just the type of hardheaded 'always right' person? And 'she' is stringing dude along, feel free to go back and read my post again, because in the instances I am refering to the guy has told the girl how he feels and has felt the whole time, therefore informing her of why he befriended her. 'She' knows this, but still treats dude the same, telling his limited brain (you gonna call me sexist again for calling MOST, NOT ALL guys stupid when it comes to these matters?) that "oh, she knows I like her and is still talking to me. She must like me back." And one more time, for the record: I do NOT think that this is the case in ALL instances!!! Just because you, DAME, have not known this to happen does not mean that it doesn't.

RubixMonkey 0

I don't understand what you are arguing. You did say that. You have no control about how people view your writing after you put it on here. You are just mad because she makes sense. You DID say that. While you might have meant something else, the argument doesn't make sense. Intimate feelings without wanting sex, isn't that friendship? Being attracted to someone does not always mean sexually, sure, but you argue we should just tell the guy not to talk to us for a while when he has feelings like that... but if they aren't sexual feelings then its just friendship... so we should just up and abandon our friends. Could you concisely rewrite your argument in a few sentences so I can understand what the heck you think we are twisting.

It doesn't matter if you think it's the case in "all instances" you are saying it's the case in the "majority" so, yes, you ARE being sexist. That's like saying MOST women should stay in the kitchen, not all but most!!! No, it doesn't work. You are stereotyping. But since YOU are that dense, I'll reword it: You really think that "MOST" people can't/won't/DON'T become friends just for the sake of being friends? SAD world you live in. She's not stringing him along because, again, SHE DOES NOT CONTROL HIM. She wants to stay friends, so what? That's how she feels. You going to guilt trip people for how they feel now? You going to prosecute her for thinking the guy she's "stringing along" is an intelligent/mature being? Or should we all assume men are a bunch of idiots that are only capable of thinking with their testes? Hm. Remind me to completely eradicate myself from all men, then, since "MOST" of them are going to either rape me or pretend to be my friend to get a date. Also, what rubix said. Intimate feelings.... in·ti·mate1 (ĭn'tə-mĭt) adj. 6.Of or involved in a sexual relationship. n. A close friend or confidant. So now what, boy? It's either sexual or it's just friends. And just because YOU, weeaboo, find this "mostly" the case in your little world doesn't mean it's true either.

(kssht... FML being bitchy again) What I wanted to add on to my post... How often to people become friends because they ASKED, anyway? You don't think it's possible that... hmm... maybe because they share a class, a job, a carpool, a club, a sport, interests, tastes, or had an experience together (stuck with each other on a ride or in a movie, or went through something more dangerous)... Nah, nobody becomes friends that way, what was I thinking? It's all about tappin' that.

RubixMonkey 0

You bring up an excellent point, Op does not control him. It has been three years, I doubt she was able to woo him with her Succubae charm to stay with her. Perhaps the guy did talk shit, or he was defending her, but what we know is what the Op said, her friend who has liked her since sixth grade punched her dated because he likes her. I don't know about you but it seems to me there is a lack of communication whether on the part of all three of the kids involved or just the friend. But asking someone out and having them say no, I don't think of you like that, most likely multiple times in the three(?) years Op has known her BF he should have either realized he could not handle it and left himself like a responsible person or gotten over it. Or if Op didn't know then how could she have curbed behavior she didn't know bothered him? I don't understand what you wanted her to do, she doesn't own him, she didn't make him like her, she didn't ask for it. All she wanted was a magical night and he ruined it. What about his responsibility as a friend, as potential boyfriend (yeah right, like that will happen now), to care about what Op wants? Isn't there a line that says when you love someone you want them to be happy, even if it means they aren't with you... if he really loved her he would have let her be happy.

It is obvious that the both of you thoroughly enjoy hearing yourselves talk, (Or in this case reading yourselves type) so this is an endless battle. It doesn't matter what anyone says, you will have some bullshit retort, so I'm done. Call it a win for you, call it whatever you want. I just have much better things to do with my time then argue with a couple little girls who I don't know, and never will, about shit that really has no bearing on my life whatsoever.

explodingpupppet 0

best freinds should always come before boyfriends

RubixMonkey 0

Well the boy didn't seem to think so.

just throwing this out there too but pitiful the dude had his jaw broken by one punch

luvbird1 0

yea well you didnt get asked out 1 day and the next day he brakes up with you cuz ur going back home!!!!

Okay guys, Enough with the battle of the sexes ay? You are all taking this way to seriously, This happens all the time, The guys that are saying, Girls should just put out, (that's you Pimpin88) Are obviously assholes, and the chicks who think that a platonic friendship is fine and it doesn't matter how the guy feel, ie Witchcraft, are obviously feminist bitches. You all need to calm down and realise, that this is someone else's lives, somewhere else, and you bitching about it isn't going to change anything, Get the **** over it, Go out with the chicks who arnt ******* *****, and never get stuck in the friend zone. And before someone replies about that I probably have never even had any action, I am currently in a long term relationship, so yeah, you cant really use that as a point k? So just calm the **** down, and go and live your lives, instead of arguing about someone else's :) peace out :P

RubixMonkey 0

Buuuuut! You fail to realize the moral implications of what you are saying. While there is no real point in arguing about the life of someone we have never met, the ability to argue ones beliefs is never wasted time. Everyone on here is using some form of logic (or sexism) to argue their point. We are looking at little evidence and using that to point to a deeper problem. It is skills like this that suit us in critical thinking jobs, college and in the every day world. By having to approach other people with different beliefs and use only logic we get rid of things like violence and screaming. We learn and better ourselves though defining what we believe and being able to have a safe forum to do it in. You might think it is nothing to argue this but it is things like this that show us which of our beliefs stand firm and which are drabble.

Oh, I'm a feminist bitch, am I? Just because I don't want to sit around and click my heels and twiddle my thumbs while douchebags make unfair presumptions about females? Yep, guess that makes me a feminist bitch, all right. :/ Unfortunately, that was all I bothered to read of your wall of inane blather. GTFO kthx.

RubixMonkey 0

Well at least your aren't a femanazi... lol. I think it is unfair to call people feminist bitches, you act like all feminists are bad. It would like calling all men sexist or all Christians fundamentalist hacks--it is not true of everyone. Some feminists are bitches, all Witchcraft and the rest of the people are trying to say is that judging one female as the average for all females is ignorant. It is also not valid. Witchcraft might come off as intense but that is just her passion for what she believes in. Not to say that she cannot defend herself, but I cannot stand it when people destroy the feminist movement, it is not all about destroying men, those women are extreme. It is just about getting equal rights for everyone, it just happens that most of the people marching for those rights are females.

Yes, and who doesn't defend their own gender? Especially after all the sexist remarks that people like to post on this site. Those "jokes" are OLD. Let them go. They suck. Every time an FML about getting into a wreck or about something douchey her boyfriend told her is posted by a woman, heeeeeeeeere come the sexist remarks, right on cue! Like guys would stare blankly at their computer screen if I started trashing the male sex right now. So because I defend my gender, but I am not a male, that makes me a terrible feminist bitch. :/ Maybe I should become a feminazi, and earn my keep. :P