By Username - 13/04/2011 07:05

Today, I got attacked by my own dog. I don't know what will be harder, telling everyone how my dog thought I was a robber or explaining to them why a 25 year old man owns a poodle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 16 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the poodle doesn't bother me. but I would like to know why your dog thought you were a burglar. lol

I am confused at why it's so hard to explain that your dog attacked you. Owning a poodle, fair enough though.


You didn't get attacked by a dog. You were attacked by a poodle. There is a difference.

Wait, did I miss the part where you kicked it across the ******* room or what?

icanhazblivions 1

this was the most boring one I've read all day...

Umm so just don't tell people you were attacked by your dog... or don't tell them the breed of the dog... really not that bad of a situation your in, at all.

XDBrittany1228 0

you don't have to tell them it was a poodle.

LexusRenee 6

never be ashamed of your animal ! you should be proud of it for beinq protective

Match_87 0

Real men rock poodles.... Nuff said

butterflyz1961 2

But wouldn't your dog know who you are by smelling you??

ericams513 0

a poodle ATTACK DOG bro! if they crack a joke, set fido on their unsuspecting hides!