By Username - 13/04/2011 07:05

Today, I got attacked by my own dog. I don't know what will be harder, telling everyone how my dog thought I was a robber or explaining to them why a 25 year old man owns a poodle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 16 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the poodle doesn't bother me. but I would like to know why your dog thought you were a burglar. lol

I am confused at why it's so hard to explain that your dog attacked you. Owning a poodle, fair enough though.


why even tell anyone. how bad could it be unless u have some kind of mutant poodle...

bitheway 2

Say you got it for an ex just before she broke up with you

Well are you a rapist? 'Cause if you are, then it's alright to have a poodle at age 35! Have a nice life raping little boys!

FMLsOhilarious 6

Seriously? Now it matters what kind of dog you have? A dog is a dog. If you're so ashamed of having it give it to someone who isn't ashamed. I feel sorry for the dog, not you. YDI--and by that I mean the embarrassment of telling people you have a poodle. However you don't deserve your dog attacking you.

Also there's the fact that IT'S AN EFFING POODLE! you couldn't fight off a poodle? that's just sad haha.

poodles are pretty big dogs :/ it's not that surprising

tell them it's a manly poodle with dragon tattoos and a big ass Afro! or make your poodle sound pimp :)

I'm sorry your dog attacked you FYL /: By the way, there is nothing wrong with a twenty-five year old man owning a poodle!

tonedef32884 0

You so deserve this. NO DUDE should own a poodle unless that dude sleeps with other dudes.

Eh I am not a poodle fan...but I do know a guy who is 46 and he has a standard poodle.