By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington

Today, I got fired from my job at a weight-loss center because I was too skinny, and apparently it's too depressing for the customers to handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be something to work towards? Like a source of encouragement? And if someone "overweight" works there, the customers wouldn't see the point of it..

randomthing 22

I bet you can find a better job somewhere else ^^


Why does everybody thumb people down when they just misread a word? I mean, we all do it.

113- Have you never even thought about that those girls may have an ED? Then they dont choose to be that skinny...

Just because OP appears too skinny for the clientele doesn't mean she's unhealthily skinny. Sorry about your job, you should get a lawyer, though I bet you can find a better job where they won't fire you because of your weight or because some fatter bitches can't handle their shite.

I think that was just an excuse to fire you.

robinhood007 9

113 - or a health condition where they can't gain weight?..

but ud also get fired if u were too fat because people would think it wouldn't work

PUR-POSE-LY. Heath conditions aren't on purpose.

I think there must be more to the story. If you're doing your job properly, aren't emaciated, and are pleasant to work with, they wouldn't just fire you like that.