By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington

Today, I got fired from my job at a weight-loss center because I was too skinny, and apparently it's too depressing for the customers to handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be something to work towards? Like a source of encouragement? And if someone "overweight" works there, the customers wouldn't see the point of it..

randomthing 22

I bet you can find a better job somewhere else ^^


eliaaa11 2

well thats stupid. why would they fire you when thats totally an oppurtunity to promote thier weight loss product? what they want chunky people working there (no offense?) seriously. yeah thats a great way to market to customers. most places i think would want healthy looking people to promote weight loss product or services

Look on the bright side, at least it shows that people are jealous of your bod. Though sorry you got fired, good luck with the job hunt.

That's stupid. You should be their encouragement to get healthier and in shape!

Aren't you just free publicity then?

not if op was skinny already. the sales pitch depends upon someone who struggled with their weight, found this product, obtained their fitness goal, and was then an inspiration. you cannot be a walking billboard if you have not used said product. either way, the firing was wrongful.

kitsune3 20

Well that sucks. But unfortunately, to those who say it's wrongful termination, it's not. The management at any given business have the right to fire any employee if they're receiving numerous complaints. If the people getting the product or service are unhappy, THE BUSINESS WILL START LOSING MONEY. It's how things work, guys. It's unfortunate and unfair, but it's part of life. Sorry for your loss, OP. I wish you luck finding a new job.

Then by that logic, can a company fire someone if customers complain about that employee being Hispanic? What if customers complained about an employee being Muslim? Employers can fire people for having traits or characteristics that have a direct adverse effect on the operation of the company (e.g. a moving company can fire someone too weak or small to lift heavy objects), but I'm not sure this really applies here. Just because the populace demands it doesn't make it right. If we went merely by popular opinion, African Americans would still have to drink at separate water fountains. If you argue against discrimination on fat people (a particularly prevalent practice in virtually all employment arenas), you have to give the same protection to skinny people.

ferrousWheel 6

Not always. Some weight loss centers are like nicotine patches for smokers, and function only as a temporary fix. A lot of these places depend on their customers meeting their target weight, then bailing to get back to their normal eating habits. The cycle starts all over again when the customers regain all of the weight (and then some). In that situation, seeing actually healthy people might not be good for business at all. And the contestants complain about Jillian for completely other reasons...

I truly think you CANNOT be fired for that. It is discrimination.

They should be using you as inspiration.