By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington

Today, I got fired from my job at a weight-loss center because I was too skinny, and apparently it's too depressing for the customers to handle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 3 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be something to work towards? Like a source of encouragement? And if someone "overweight" works there, the customers wouldn't see the point of it..

randomthing 22

I bet you can find a better job somewhere else ^^


FireFlie07 20

Umm, pretty sure that falls under illegal and discriminatory.

Illegal. They can't fire you for that

pfclunchbox005 1

That's illegal to fire you over aperence. . Get a lawyer.

Shouldn't that be an inspiration rather than depressing? FYL Sorry OP

mycatsaysmeow 7

You'd think that upon seeing you, they'd actually be motivated and not depressed.

perdix 29

That's easy, just fatten up a bit. There's a healthy weight range (not a single number) and you are likely below the bottom end. Chow down until you reach a few pounds higher than the bottom end of the range. The trick is stopping before you zoom up through the top of the range and enter the Fatty McFatFat Zone.

I think that's illegal, they can't just fire you for being more attractive than the clientel

Women who purposely try to look like Skeletor should be feed to the dogs. Dogs like bones.

Skinny is not sexy OP. slim is sexy if you can see every bone in your body you have a problem.