By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 07:28 - Canada - Airdrie
Same thing different taste
The Girl Can't Help It
By Anonymous - 29/10/2019 22:00
By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States
By moe472 - 24/01/2012 02:47 - United States
By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington
By anonymous - 24/04/2013 04:55 - Germany
By Volunteer - 13/09/2013 22:24 - United States - Elwood
By myworstday - 05/04/2016 01:36 - United Kingdom - London
By Lifeguard - 04/04/2009 19:03 - United States
By unemployedaussie - 23/06/2016 12:35 - Australia - Perth
By zacharynedley - 06/01/2015 00:16 - United States - Elkridge
Top comments
Mr. Grumpy Gills!
Well, if your job was being one of the seven dwarfs, I don't see a problem with that.
Grumpy Cat approves.
Attitude is extremely important in most jobs, and critical in customer service. Being grumpy with the customers is a valid reason for dismissal, and you will get fired again until you change your attitude. YDI squared. Funny thing too, according to research, holding a grumpy expression actually makes you unhappy - and a smile, even a fake smile, will make you feel happier. So you are doing a disservice even to yourself by being grumpy. Now that being said, some of the older women develop wrinkles around their mouths that make them look grumpy similar to Tard the Grumpy Cat; if that's your case, - well, FYL; maybe you can learn to hold some expression on your face that would counter that if you still want to work with people, because people do get taken aback being treated with grumpiness....
It didn't say she was being grumpy, it said she looked grumpy. Some people's faces are naturally grumpy looking, and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with wrinkles/age. My face is like that. When my face is relaxed my mouth naturally curves downward. Even when I force a smile I don't look that happy because my mouth can't make the shape very well. It's not a bad attitude, just bad genetics.
Depending on where you work, looking grumpy can be bad. if you work where you encounter a lot of costumers, looking grumpy can give them the wrong impression, which is bad for the company
I get that it might not look good in front of customers, but they at least could have told you first before firing you directly.
Did you not get a new year kiss from your ONE? COME ON cheer up
Sorry OP that sucks, same thing almost happened to my sister. she got warned first though. does your boss have a boss you can talk to?
Smile more!
Try Sneezy next time.