By in pain - 15/03/2011 22:57
Same thing different taste
By patch91 - 05/04/2011 02:03
By Mycardoesn'tevenwork - 22/02/2016 20:16 - United States
The hero we deserved
By Anonymous - 01/05/2023 15:00
By Anonymous - 21/04/2013 05:07 - United States
By ReallyNow - 01/09/2011 17:17 - United States
By piece of crap car - 04/01/2017 06:27 - United States - Portland
Make your mind up
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 12/01/2017 14:00
But… the economy!
By Anonymous - 05/07/2022 00:00
By idiot - 09/07/2012 21:26 - United States
Top comments
Why the hell is everyone saying "sue for wrongful termination!" It isn't wrongful - he didn't show up. That's grounds for firing, period. Yes, some bosses suck and do things you may not agree with, but they are the boss. This is something most of you will have to deal with eventually, and litigation isn't the answer. Besides, OP wasn't seriously injured. Walk it off, princess.
Doc, if you don't know, Sick leave is a right that every worker has by law, if OP's boss fired OP because of the accident he had, he CAN and SHOULD sue him! Sick leave is a number of days you are given that when you are sick you can miss work, It is very hard to use all of those up unless your a lazy asshole that just misses work and uses up his sick days, I doubt OP is that!
Why do you doubt it? Do you have information that you haven't shared with us? We have no idea where OP is from, and many places around the world have laws in place that allow bosses to fire workers without cause.
Too many times even when a person has a legit reason they express themselves so badly it sounds fake
wrongful termination. sue. get paid. invite me and we'll make it rain on some hoes
Unless you are in a state that isn't an at-will state, you don't really have a case, despite what all these other people say. You can try to sue your boss, but your odds of getting a judgement are next to nothing. Sue the person who hit you, and get proof that you WERE dependable. You can't get unemployment if they fire you for lack of dependability, but they can't with-hold it otherwise. If you have enough money, you can sue everyone who is even related to the accident and include your boss. It doesn't work, but with multiple lawyers, fees add up so fast some people will pay blood money just to get out of it, even if they don't owe you anything.
And this is what makes the US great. You make a great point and then end your comment with the stereotypical shotgun approach to law. You make me want to shake your hand and then slap you with it.
i bet the guy who hit you is the same guy that posted an fml for rearending someone. small world huh?
I would sue he had no legal grounds to fire you

sue him.
fight it