By in pain - 15/03/2011 22:57

Today, I got into a bad car accident, where I got severe whiplash, swollen knees, and cuts everywhere. I called my boss to let him know I wouldn't be able to make it in and he fired me for being 'not dependable'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 497
You deserved it 3 667

Same thing different taste


yea I know but op was in a "car" accident.

hihi1212 1

dude change the pic back to ur back ur face ruins it.... but i like the CARma lol

73 before you say shit about someone's picture how about you put one up of someone who I actually you? or is it a shriveled , more disgusting , fatter version of Edward Cullen? If so, go eat macaroni, in your cave where you belong.

hihi1212 1

how do you know that is not me bi*ch!

82 it's Katherine McPhee. name calling will do you no good.

TinyDude 10
TinyDude 10

*claps for Bunny*. Nicely done, I taught you well.

113 I don't know you.. but I'm assuming it's because you're yoda and I am Luke skywalker. I just hit my head before I left the planet we last met at. I have amnesia. may the force be with you.

hihi1212 1

creep. no one wanted your opinion ^^

Gondile 4

No, I believe we all did. Just not you.

fatalkiss 0

Did you tell him why you weren't going to make it? Or just said "I ain't coming in today, bitch"? Cause... that's a big detail you're not providing. Haha jk. But it makes no sense to me that you'd get fired if your boss knew what happened.

sue. get a lawyer ASAP. you may have just earned years of wages in a few months.

TinyDude 10
mygreenhoodie 0

op should have toughed it out. btw there's no car "accidents" only collisions

jman730 0

You must've been late alot. As long as you're still alive, quit your bitching. Maybe with your next job you show up on time and be dependable, so if you wanna wreck your car again, at least you won't get fired.

vsx2000goton 0

YDI if the crash was your fault, or if you didn't explain to your boss if you were the one who got hit.

Wow thats got to such. Happy job hunting OP!