By oops - 15/07/2012 05:34 - United States

Today, I got into a debate with my boyfriend over whether or not oral sex was considered sex. I stood firm that it was not. Apparently, he took this as permission, as later that night I walked in on him not having sex with my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 862
You deserved it 44 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that doesn't change the fact he was doing something that isn't G rated with your sister. Kissing isn't sex either, but it's considered cheating. Just because it isn't sex doesn't mean it is not wrong to do.

I_Hug_Cats 26

well it is called oral SEX for a reason...


FMLjesslife 0

Obviously it IS sex. He did it to prove you wrong because obviously you were stupid enough to believe that oral SEX is not sex.

RedPillSucks 31

I thought oral sex was when two or more people talk about sex. no?

Thats what i thought it was

iamsami24 5

Oral sex means you use your mouth to deliver (what otherwise would've been a different part of your body) pleasure your partner.

Not really getting all the YDIs... O.o

RedPillSucks 31

Why can't she have an argument (discussion) about this topic? Whether she's wrong or not, is immaterial. One side of an argument is usually wrong. That doesn't mean that her boyfriend should use that as a get out of jail free card, nor does that mean she's too immature to be in a relationship, although her boyfriend clearly is.

oral sex is more or less foreplay....but f your life because your man is a dumbass and your sister has no respect for herself or you

BriZanna33 2

Who was doing what? I would definitely kick both of them in there faces.

jpmc808 1

I don't get why so many people think that you totally deserved it. o_O

iamsami24 5

There are just some really irrational people out there, or perhaps trolls looking for innocent people to trash.

Thats sucks balls. I'm screwed now. I have two sisters.