By oops - 15/07/2012 05:34 - United States

Today, I got into a debate with my boyfriend over whether or not oral sex was considered sex. I stood firm that it was not. Apparently, he took this as permission, as later that night I walked in on him not having sex with my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 855
You deserved it 44 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that doesn't change the fact he was doing something that isn't G rated with your sister. Kissing isn't sex either, but it's considered cheating. Just because it isn't sex doesn't mean it is not wrong to do.

I_Hug_Cats 26

well it is called oral SEX for a reason...


Well, I wouldn't say you deserve it since just because it's not sex to you doesn't mean he wasn't cheating on you. However, there are more forms of sex than just intercourse. Intercourse is just the only one that centers around virginity.

you completely deserve this. if curling is an Olympic sport than oral sex is sex. and oral sex should be an Olympic sport because it's harder than curling and if you're any good at it you deserve a medal.

Can't believe the amount of YDIs on this! On what planet is that deserved?

jayfreeman80 0

You obviously can't give good oral sex to your man so GOOD for your sister!!! YDI

The argument was it about being sex or not, not cheating. Just because she didn't think it was classed as sex it doesn't mean she didn't think it was not a form of cheating. If I were you OP, I should waist any more time on the douche bag and your sister is a disgrace! Agree with #290! FYL

So at least you know that you can go out and blow anyone you choose without your BF complaining! Seriously, it sounds like your BF was going to cheat one way or another at some point, so maybe it's as well you found out. There are plenty of things that constitute being unfaithful in most people's books long before you get even as far as oral sex. And he must know this. Semantics has nothing to do with it.

People are just awful these days...

At least he haste keeping it in the family!!!!

You were in the wrong but what he did was totally uncalled for. And your sister is such a bitch! It's not like she was a random girl who couldn't know :/ they both betrayed you so FYL.

What part of oral SEX don't you get?