By troubled - 02/01/2010 20:27 - France

Today, I got l disconnect notices for both my water and my electric. After looking over my budget, I realized that I can only pay for one until next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 161
You deserved it 7 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Keep the water. If you don't have electric, you won't be able to write anymore inane FML's like this one and the world will be a better place.

thyestes 0

Don't know about France but in England they can't cut your water because it's essential for life so I'd pay the electricity but obviously it may be different there.


TurboTalon 0

Water... where the F do you people live thinking you "need" electricity to use water?? The only possible scenario is if you have a electric water heater, you can still use your water it'll just be cold. The one in my house is gas and I think most still are as well. It's the responsibility of the water company to give you the water you pay for, it's pumped into your house, you know.. water pressure. Your electricity isn't involved.

boatkicker 4

Although you dont need electricity for water, electric water heaters are just as common as gas ones. Different areas are different though. Some places it is more common to have gas and some more for electric.

That's not the point of #35. Even if your water heater is electric, it does nothing to prevent the water from actually flowing through the pipes and getting into your house.

kirakira333 0

water. then you can smell nice :D just get candles for seeing at night ;)

iankennedy17 0

alright, first Im saying I go with water. you don't need electricity for it to work, only for heat. all those losers jerking themselves off while writing their comment, you need water to take *****, so stop saying you can plan to take a shower at your friends.

boatkicker 4

You can dump a bucket of water down your toilet to flush it. I lived without running water for an entire winter. Keep a bucket handy for flushing. Some sort of jug of clean drinking water. A large pan of water for doing dishes in, and water for cooking. And yes, for showers and laundry, go to a friends house. AND fill up your water in their sink.

You also need electric to heat your water.

pay electric. you can always shower somewhere else, or fill up containers for water at public places. and use minimal electricity this month

keep the water and flashlights and books will have to do for a month.

Call up the co and ask about any programs they have for ppl in your situation. Most have the option if you are in genuine need to have your bill paid from a pool collected from donations. Always an option. Also, if you have to, pay your electric. You can get water elsewhere if need be. Hope this helps.

Get a credit card and pay your damn bills on time

almost everyone seems to be pitying him, but he did get shut off notices so he has not paid them in at least a month. you get your bills every month after all. So HDI. But to pick one I would go water. Save up buy a generator. Enjoy eatting out for a while though.

boatkicker 4

Of course he got bills, but what if he couldn't afford to pay them? My father had his water shut off over $25 that he didn't have. (And then he couldn't get it turned back on for 5 months because they wanted him to pay a $400 'shut off fee' on top of the original 25, and he just didn't have the money.) He doesn't deserve it unless he had the money and chose to spend it on something else frivolous.