By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 16:09 - Guatemala

Today, I got mugged. After taking my cell phone, the guy politely said: "Thanks. Have a nice evening. Be careful on your way home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 113
You deserved it 3 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should NOT be careful on your way home and get mugged again, just to spite him. That'll teach his polite, thieving ass!


zkchild 0

Haha well at least he wasn't a complete dick about it.

your life sucks. however, it does remind me of LA Story. "Hi, my name is Bob, I'll be your mugger tonight" "Hi Bob, there you go" "Thankyou sir, and have a nice evening!"

Got to be careful, it is dangerous out there. He is looking out for you.

It pleases me that the criminal underworld has found a place for manners. When I was mugged, all the guy had to say was "gimme your wallet!", and then he pistol whipped me and ran off. Thieves are certainly moving up in the world...

You should NOT be careful on your way home and get mugged again, just to spite him. That'll teach his polite, thieving ass!

RedPillSucks 31

Could have been worse.... He could have said *So.... Same time next week?* or *Your wife says to get some bread and milk at the grocery store, here's a couple of bucks*

a_girl_i_know 0

Well at least the thief was nice, cause it could have been a lot worse, he could have wished you a bad day :)