By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 16:09 - Guatemala

Today, I got mugged. After taking my cell phone, the guy politely said: "Thanks. Have a nice evening. Be careful on your way home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 113
You deserved it 3 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should NOT be careful on your way home and get mugged again, just to spite him. That'll teach his polite, thieving ass!


skyeyez9 24

did you get mugged by Mr Rogers?

I bet it was the same person that the one who left a "sorry" note after killing on a cat by tripping on it in another FML.

i_am_not_a_spy 0
FlavaMash 1

what a nice guy... why aren't there more people like him in this world?

hahahahahahaha im sorry they robbed you but its so funny that now muggers are so polite! next time its going to be: "good morning may i please have your wallet sir?"

bobsanction 18

Would you prefer he had stabbed you? Count yourself lucky.

theonlysweetpea 10