By random - 06/05/2009 08:57 - United States

Today, I got my hair dyed at a fancy salon. While the stylist was pulling out the foils in my hair I sat up and started screaming in pain because the hot foils were burning my scalp. All she said was "oh, you're fine". I went back home to find an oozing burn wound on my scalp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 030
You deserved it 4 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctif7 0

OMG! You shouild sue the company!!!!!1

Were the foils actually hot or was it the chemicals they were using that burnt your scalp? This happened to me once when I got my hair straightened. They left the treatment on for too long and I ended up with a very sore scalp and red burn marks on the top of my forehead. Needless to say I didn't go back there again.


Seana01 0

Either sue the salon or complain to the manager. That's BS.

agreed, sue asap (yes this is a late reply)

tiffanyxmichele 0

usually foils dont get hot unless the bleach is reacting with other chemicals on the hair like box dye or perm or something. and as a hairdresser i have never known them to get hot enough to give you a serious burn. it might have been the bleach irritating an abrasion already on your scalp. either way shes a shitty hairdresser she shouldve checked your scalp before she started and/or done something when you complained.

loki_sings 0

Foil doesn't get hot enough to burn flesh...

Yes they do, I used to work at a hairdressers, I know these things