By anal4me - 05/04/2012 20:07 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got my license. Instead of congratulating me, my buddies created a betting pool for when I get into a serious accident. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 849
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.


Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.

Yeah, but make sure you run them over repeatedly so they know that it was purely intentional and they cannot count it as an accident.

WTFjizzinmypantz 0
celtic_guy78 0

That's an FML? Grow a pair.

Ooooh! The great and powerful Oz will be speaking with you soon.

Just remind them who has their life in his hands...

LOL exactly man. I read the FML, formed an answer in my head, but then I looked over at his username and everything felt lost, ahaha.

stevenJB 25

Dawg you have the most awesome pic ever

mrtjawesome 14

sometimes its good to have clairvoyant friends. they can tell you if your going to crash. or get lucky ;)

porcupineattack1 5

Yup, that would decide the bet winner right there. :)