By anal4me - 05/04/2012 20:07 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I got my license. Instead of congratulating me, my buddies created a betting pool for when I get into a serious accident. Thanks for the support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 849
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glitterhinoceros 14

Run them over with your car.


perdix 29

Beware of your "friends" cutting your brake lines to win some quick cash.

:O you shouldn't speak of such things perdix.

He's speaking an unfortunate truth. After reading some of these FMLs, I can totally fathom his ominous comment becoming one of tomorrow's FMLs. But I pray that it never comes to pass . . .

Birdie_Sage 0

Anal4me? I didnt miss anything... Did I? Aww, your buddies really care for you! :)

flashback.miss 28

Wow, they must really drive you crazy, huh?/shot all kidding aside, why? what was their reasoning? Oo

yo. no more alone! and i've seen some comments have +5 and i'll check it hours later and it'll be -12. and i've seen one at -9 and the next morning it was +23. so, have confidence in yourself. that's right, i just gave your own advice right back to you.

Sounds like the friends I have too. Don't let get the best of you. It's most likely there way of displaying jealously.

When life gives you lemons.... Rig the pool. You could make thousands off of their insensitivity.

Lol you must be a horrible driver sucks to be pal

bertman21 5

There are a lot of wimps on here one girl can't get her boyfriend to have sex with her this guy is crying because his friends don't believe in him believe in yourself. Man up and learn to drive everyone has to.

Hey arsehole-who-will-most-likely-be-alone-forever, the point of this FML is that his "friends" are betting on his life, "just for lulz". This site is for complaining how life sometimes sucks. If you think this site is full of wimps, leave this site, moron.

bertman21 5

You two girls are going to cry too? Boo hoo life sucks sometimes suck it up and don't ******* cry about it

1) 2 girls gonna cry? Most girls would kick your Arse with no remorse. 2) Who's crying here? This site is just to show how life just plain sucks sometimes. Don't like it, leave this damn site