By Mb13 - 21/12/2016 20:02

Today, I got my nipples pierced. Momentarily forgetting about the piercings, I started to lather up with my loofa. Shark week in the shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 373
You deserved it 5 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll never understand the appeal of nipple piercings.

Stopped using a loofa after I got mine done.


The post shows that the OP is a man in the top right lol

Been there & done that. Sorry! Hope they heal! Pro-tip: Don't sleep topless. Those suckers will catch on every sheet, blanket, and stray partner's elbow.

I dropped a box on mine the second day I had them, thank God for bandaids and a good padded bra!!

Try doing that with a piercing downstairs lmao

If you're a girl - "I agree, your life sucks" If you're a guy - "You deserved it"

what is wrong with this app? people down vote others comments for no apparent good reason

i got one of mine stuck on a shower door once...still can't figure out how, but i think the ball landed precisely in the groove of the plastic profile on the door edge. Needles to say i squeeled like a little girl (i'm a guy). Otherwise i've always been glad i had mine done. Unfortunately i no longer have them now as they were growing out. Enjoy yours!

<p>you think the loofa is bad. Wait until you catch them on the car door!&nbsp;</p>

<p>i cringed so hard reading this, perhaps tape the ring down next time?</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

This happened to me too. I ran into my dorm room and used scissors to cut the loofah off.