By stitchesupmyass - 01/11/2011 21:50 - United States

Today, I got my period. Last week, I fell out of a window and landed between my legs on a bush; I have massive swelling down there, and stitches over the ripped flesh. Now I'm bleeding out my period on top of the lingering wounds down there. It hurts even to pee, let alone menstruate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 759
You deserved it 4 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


TMFI!!! WHY would you share that?!?! I agree it sucks but EWWW!!!!

Bigmoneyshotz 0

I voted u deserved it solely on the fact that that is just wrong no one wants to hear about your bloody vag!

fallingstarsxox 8
doglady 16
DirtyJerzey8083 7

Why the **** would u attempt to ********** in this situation? Being in your bloody period wasn't enough of a deterrent for you? On top of the fact you have a busted vajayjay with swelling and stitches? I bet that smells just as bad as it feels too! But ya, let's try and have a ************ session.

blair_x 12

Asshole. Educate yourself. MENSTRUATE - the verb form of MENSTRUATION, which is the medical wording for a woman's period cycle. i.e. Janice wanted to wear white skinny jeans and crowd surf, but she was *menstruating* and wore sweat pants and stayed inside all day. **********, or MASTURBATION, is something entirely different. I'm sure I don't have to define what that is. Good God, I really hope you were just trolling. But sadly, I don't think you were.