By stitchesupmyass - 01/11/2011 21:50 - United States

Today, I got my period. Last week, I fell out of a window and landed between my legs on a bush; I have massive swelling down there, and stitches over the ripped flesh. Now I'm bleeding out my period on top of the lingering wounds down there. It hurts even to pee, let alone menstruate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 759
You deserved it 4 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


airsnake2k 1

man that sucks ass but how the hell u fall out of a window?

The most interesting part of this is trying to figure how you fell out of a window.

how the hell did you fall out of a window?

I am sorry your in pain stitchesupmyass, getting your period is not great anyways, but this just adds to how much it sucks. Get well soon, And maybe get into bed and watch a good movie and relax? just make yourself feel better the best you can :)

LADiiL0KA24 11

U deserved it for bein an idiot and falling out the window ._.

Today, while reading this FML, I thought it said **********, FML

soccer_hotttie78 4