By creepyeyes - 21/06/2009 18:37 - Canada

Today, I got myself a cool pair of colored contacts. I was wearing them while at home, so that I'll get used to them. Then I had to go to a job interview. I forgot to take them out. I went to a job interview with zebra-print eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 004
You deserved it 68 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

where can I get ZEBRA PRINT contacts? :O

manoverboard 0

Ohmygod. I WOULD SO WANT THAT. I bet they hired you. ;D


That's funny he was Probably Staring at your eyes the whole time like wtf

that's freakin' awsome, I love zebra print! but yea, back to you... FYL and YDI for being forgetful? lol

GR3453m0nk3y 4

ah Ah AH ACHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh, sorry. I'm allergic to LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anybody would check what they look like before going to a job interview.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Check out this site for the pictures. I'm totally asking my mom for them XD

DreMaMa 0

Hope it was a job at the Strip club. Cause that be the only place you'd get hired... or the Zoo that works to

That is awesome. ;) if you were qualified for the job and I was your interviewer, I'd hire you.

eastgirl16 0

sometimes when i'm really nervous, i forget about things or don't notice certain things.

hahaha. if i were the interviewer i would totally ask you -why-, exactly, you wore them to your interview.