By creepyeyes - 21/06/2009 18:37 - Canada

Today, I got myself a cool pair of colored contacts. I was wearing them while at home, so that I'll get used to them. Then I had to go to a job interview. I forgot to take them out. I went to a job interview with zebra-print eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 004
You deserved it 68 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

where can I get ZEBRA PRINT contacts? :O

manoverboard 0

Ohmygod. I WOULD SO WANT THAT. I bet they hired you. ;D


netbeui435 3
HummingBirdsFly 0

@ #61, obviously not. Have you read the other comments? Sheesh. FYL because it MIGHT affect their decision on whether or not to hire you. YDI because if, persay, you did check yourself in the mirror, how could you NOT see those zebra eyes? ^^ :)

HummingBirdsFly 0

AND having "zebra-eyes" is REALLY un-professional. So, to the people who are saying 'I'd hire you", etc. That's why you aren't in the position to be able to hire/fire people. Mmk? :) Sorry.

That is awesome though!! Colored/patterned contacts FTW!

Think about it this way; at least you got used to the contacts. It's an easy mistake to make, but YDI for mixing your priorities.

organismal 0

ydi spending like, 50 dollars plus on retarded contacts?

GR3453m0nk3y 4

haha go to that site. its pretty cool. and is seriously making me want some contacts. lol

sunshine2162 0

DUDE; if I wasn't such a pansy about putting stuff in my eye, I'd SO get those in a heartbeat :D

sunshine2162 0

you see out of the black circle of your eye, not the colored part. 'special effect' contacts don't cover your irises.

I want some sharingan contacts. It would be so badass.