By embarassed - 14/01/2011 10:11 - United States

Today, I got off work and checked my makeup in the mirror once I got in my car. I had a huge piece of spinach on my front tooth that no one told me about. I work the front desk of an upscale hotel and have been greeting guests all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 931
You deserved it 5 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that why Popeye was trying to French you?

youfailed18 0

Check your teeth next time too. Problem solved.


123skyline 0

Dude, how can you not feel piece of spinach in your tooth? Well YDI for eating spinach... jk. But that sucks for you man.

Donkeydick360 0

yea normally you'd feel it in your teeth fyl anyway

Maybe you should take responsibility for checking your own teeth, after you eat. I wouldn't have told you, either.

skyeyez9 24

You didn't go to the bathroom not even once while at work, and looked in the mirror after you were done?

Even if she did look in the mirror, what makes you think she'd be grinning at herself?

ryanst 7

I always grin at myself in the mirror while laughing maniacally whenever i use a public restroom. Doesn't everybody?

upscale hotel in Idaho, really? lol jk

knibbsy 4

You should invest in my all-new product, The B. The B features cutting-edge nanotechnology in collaboration with Brett Favre. Billions of nano-Brett's will remove any traces of an unwanted material from any surface or object, which includes but is not limited to: teeth, cell phones, herpes, and the media. Available now for an astronomical price! Not sold in stores! Or the Internet! Only in my car! Call now!

sometimes the food is thin and gets wrapped around your tooth and you can't feel it.. but that's also why you check your teeth after you eat.

People usually brush their teeth after they eat, especially if they work interacting with the public. YTDI

fiveonefiveoh 0

I have NEVER seen anyone brushing their teeth at work! except for me, after a night of drinking and not going home.. I'll buy a toothbrush on my way to work.. but even then, I won't think to use it after lunch

I have never seen anyone NOT brushing their teeth at work... Thats gross, man. Different cultures, i guess...