By ouchh - 11/09/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I got out of the shower to find my cat staring up at me. Apparently my swinging penis looks like a cat toy to her, so she jumped up and clawed and tried to bite it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 938
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"swinging penis"? anyone else find this phrase odd? -_- also, at least you're getting some pussy (:,'


Same thing happened to me. Enough so that I had to go to the hospital since my scrotum wouldn't stop bleeding. FYL

Zeroiswin 0

that is so ****** up...first of all a men having a cat is weird, even weirder is that he takes the cat to the shower...and the weirdest thing is that this idiot actually thinks that people can feel bad for him instead of crapping all over his head with criticism

Why is it weird for a guy to have a cat? Cats are extremely low maintenance and lots of chicks dig 'em. Dogs smell, need to be walked, need tons of attention, are incredibly destructive, and need to be put in kennels when you wanna go on vacation. Oh and they also slobber a ton and it's gross. My boyfriend and I have two cats together. Better than kids and better than dogs.

Cats aren't as loveable as dogs!! And what's wrong with walking them? Gives you exercise and fresh air.

The fact that you HAVE to walk them. And cats are as lovable as dogs. You should meet my cat George. Even people who hate cats like him. He was a stray, but I'm pretty sure he is of this breed because he looks and acts exactly like them:

mkay, number 1 swinging penises give me bad visuals...even worse is the visual i get from reading "meat spin"...lmfao

jchansfan 0

Ugh the "swinging" bit brings back bad memories from that Bruno movie. -Shudder-

LaughAtLaugh 7

you poor poor man..... lol reminds me of scary movie

Gannon1994 0

Casualt, think that website was bad? I got tricked into going on