By ouchh - 11/09/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I got out of the shower to find my cat staring up at me. Apparently my swinging penis looks like a cat toy to her, so she jumped up and clawed and tried to bite it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 938
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"swinging penis"? anyone else find this phrase odd? -_- also, at least you're getting some pussy (:,'


YDI for putting the image of a swinging penis in my head.

At least she didn't mistake it for a "Little Baby Carrot."

woah_dang_baby_fml 0

YDI for having an attractive penis. NOT

fMYYYlife 0

Haha This made me giggle, YDI it for being a guy. Just kidding I wanted to say something gay! :) and LOL #58

bigcrazymike 6

YDI for being a man who owns a cat. She probably didn't go for your balls too because you have to turn them over to own a cat.

I buried your comment because you're an asshole and I like cats.

grumpyoldtroll 0

Well, some of us have penises that are long enough they don't just crawl into a dark hole when they're not in use, and, oddly enough, they aren't static. As for the cat in the bathroom, I'm assuming he showered with the door open. Finish shower, step out, yowtch.

LemonFairy 0

For all the people who think it's fake... you clearly do not have a cat. Cats attack anything that moves. Especially those things that they cannot identify. :P (Toes under blankets are a favorite~) So FYL for this happening, but YDI for the adjective use here. Honestly, couldn't have picked something that sounded a /bit/ better?

My cat attacks my hair because it's long. She especially likes the surprise attack when I'm laying on the couch watching something. Mostly she just gets my hair, but sometimes she gets my scalp too.