By ouchh - 11/09/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I got out of the shower to find my cat staring up at me. Apparently my swinging penis looks like a cat toy to her, so she jumped up and clawed and tried to bite it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 938
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"swinging penis"? anyone else find this phrase odd? -_- also, at least you're getting some pussy (:,'


prshusl0l 0

YDI for not putting a towel on or showering with the door closed ^_^

thats wat a towel is for- no matter who or wat ur with cats can be evil

Joeboy777 0
ttownbeast 0

I call bullshit on this one, every guy thinks they are a **** star online.

ladiidaa 0

You know. Usually the shower is in something called a bathroom, which usually has something called a door. It helps to close it. Anyways. Wtf? Swinging penis? o-o Why was there so much velocity on your penis in the shower that it was swinging? Were you like, doing pelvis thrusts in there or something?

Lol it's like that episode of Nurse Jacki. That guy ended up in the hospital because of that damncat twice so you should think about getting rid of the damn thing before it attacks you again.

I always shower with the door open. I live by myself, don't have a bathroom fan, and I don't like it when the bathroom gets all steamy. the swinging penis thing? I just have no idea what that's all about.

Yea I shower with the door open too! I didn't think it was weird. I have a bathroom fan, I'm just lazy.

HighSchoolFail 0

FYL for that although, YDI for swinging your penis infront of your cat. Like really now, are you that stupid?

dino_go_rawr 0