By roachblend - 12/09/2010 08:00 - Taiwan

Today, I got out our electric fan because it was very hot. A cockroach crawled up behind the frame on the fan and fell into the gap of the frame. It got itself killed by the rotating fan, and had its blended flesh sent flying all over my white polo shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 680
You deserved it 4 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey at least you weren't doing the thing where you say stuff into the fan because it makes everything sound funny, just saying could've been worse than just the polo shirt.


Volcan_fml 22

First: Why is everyone talking about a girl's boobs when this is supposed to be about the Quentin Tarantino roach stunt double? Second: Roaches can get almost anywhere they want, no matter how clean and spotless a house is, so don't bitch people because there is a roach on their houses. Third: FYL OP because it really sucks, I mean it must have been pretty awesome to watch, but I am sorry for your polo shirt, unlike other people I do like polo shirts lol.

it was a polo shirt as you said? you should be happy :D

TheB0a 5
evanpeer 0

YDI for living in filth... and wearing a polo shirt.

pokemaster2468 0

that's hilarious !!! cuz it happened 2 u not me

rpgman1115 0

Guess that solves that Will it Blend question..

Spike_The_Vamp 5

haha theres one way to kill a cockroach