By Jessie - 05/07/2011 16:34 - United States

Today, I got stuck listening to my coworker bang on about how sexy her fiancé is for almost an hour. She told me about their sex life, described his dick in great detail, and showed me pictures of him shirtless. My coworker is 49; her fiancé is 56 and overweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 748
You deserved it 4 657

Same thing different taste


Next time, make up an excuse.. say you have something to do if you don't have the balls to tell your coworker to STFU.

Simply go put a huge banana in your ass hole while thinking about me :)

should have responded how much Viagra does he go through to get that limp pickle up

babegirlsweetiep 0

You know what they say. Love is blind.

more power to her! she's making the best with what she's got and she's proud of her man, even though he's not the cookie-cutter type of guy.

guess there is someone for everyone! Ick!

doyers11 0

atleast she's getting some action!!!!