By satanlovesme - 30/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I had a dentist appointment. While waiting, I pulled out my Cosmo magazine to entertain myself. The woman sitting across from me points and tells me I'm reading "Satan's Manual." I told her I don't believe in Satan. She said, "You'll know he's real when you become his bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 846
You deserved it 8 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SP63_fml 0

Ugh. I was raised Christian, and always will be, but these kind of people are what gives Christians the names they have. Wouldn't it be great if there was a world where people could co-exist, and go about as they wish? I know many Athiests, Muslims, and even a few Buddhists. They're all nice people, I could care less about who they worship, or if they do at all. But then again, I've been excommunicated from my church, supposedly for these reasons. Oh well, who cares, I refuse to join a church that discriminates.

LOL. I didn't know Satan had a manual.


koalakittens 0

yeah, this isn't a fml. nothing bad happened to you.

xanth 0

I am agnostic, but I also think cosmo is Satan's manual. Okay not that extreme but seriously, FYL for reading cosmo.

brydeec 0

LMFAO. She sounds like that one crazy religious lady from The Mist.

mohomonopoly 0

#52. i love you :) (rhyme!) im a lesbian muslim, and people always act surprised.

This isn't an FML, but you should started shoving your beliefs down her throat and when she started to protest, you should have said "bitch if you don't like it, what the **** did you do it to me for?"

lolwhat_fml 0

i dont get it? someone explain please :3

Glam_fml 0

Eh, don't you just love over-religious hypocrites? I know I certainly do - they make me laugh. This is one of the many reasons I don't attend church anymore. And by the way, I love Cosmo! It has a lot of great, informative, interesting articles for all you haters out there. 69: It's an FML because basically some random woman told the OP she was a horrible person and was going to burn in hell.

angel03260 0

61 your pathetic go live in a cave you wouldn't be here without women ever think of that? so before you say we suck remember who gave you life