By FireoftheFuture - 02/05/2013 11:02 - United States

Today, I had a giant Scantron test. After putting 10 answers, I noticed every single answer was A. I got freaked out and started putting random answers. Turns out every answer on the test was A. I failed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 940
You deserved it 55 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha being in school myself, I can tell you that taking a multiple choice test and getting one letter many times in a row is a scary thing. Even if you know what you're doing, getting all A's would scare anyone and shake their confidence


I remember when teachers would do that. It's a good way to sort out the idiots

YDI - of course you would fail if you just put random answers. That's one of the most moronic things I've ever heard in my life.

mywtfmoments26 18

that actually happened to me a few weeks ago.i'm still pulling out my hair.

Wha what .... That's even dumber than rubbing chapstick on the answer sheet ..... No wait, yours would be the second dumbest

Nothing. It's an old myth that it fools the lasers in the machine into giving you a perfect score. I preferred studying to get good grades when I was in college instead of lip balm, but to each their own.

I feel bad for the OP. If they have that low confidence, then their life must really suck.

YDI for second guessing yourself so much that a random answer was your only solution. If I was a teacher I'd totally troll like this except make one answer D.

well if u were guessing in the first place, then I could see how that could've freaked u out. but if u were confident in your answers to begin with then definitely ydi for replacing them with random answers.

I get paranoid too if a lot of my answers are the same letters in a row.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

It sounds like your teacher was feeling lazy or your school is on the chopping block and about to lose funding if it doesn't show improvement.