By Crunchy - 19/04/2009 21:52 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. Everything was going really well until I noticed a bug on my interviewer's lower neck. I shouted that something really disgusting was crawling on him. It turns out it was his big hairy mole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 456
You deserved it 61 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That company was doomed anyways, there was a mole in the organization!

asxp10 0

You couldn't tell the difference between a mole and a bug?


#47: it was a male interviewer. I think it's a FML, not a YDI. It was a reflex, I kinda understand that. You were so scared for yourself but mostly because you thought your job was about to get cut short (or stung short) by a bug, lol By the way, to all who were flabbergast, like me:

That probably wasn't the most appropriate choice of words to use in the situation. Maybe even a little bit of thought that the "bug" wasn't moving should have crossed your mind. I don't know how else you could have possibly gone through the situation though.

Was the mole moving? Maybe you should have worn your glasses to the interview...

Neck time, next time you go to an enterview, do not take acid. This way you will not see bugs on people.

Maybe you should have worn glasses to the interview...

truslide 0

we could do without the stupid "other perspective" FMLs in the comments

RawrrKai 0

I wanna say you should have kept quiet about it but you were trying to save the dude from freaking out later if it HAD been a real but.

LOL @ 18, YES, that is exactly what I thought of.

I like how you didn't back-away from mentioning how disgusting it was in your description. Like you don't regret it. "Big hairy mole" Suppose it's FTL in this case.