By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 19:00 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. I have a nervous tendency to rub my foot against the bar under the table. After the interview I noticed I had been rubbing my foot against the interviewer's leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 483
You deserved it 39 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments


how could the interviewer not say anything?

Was the interviewer a man or a woman?

this one made me rofl. haha. well if they gave you the job atleast you know how to get a raise (;

Oh, and if you get the job, expect comments about your cleavage in short order.

Siren_00 0

So did you get the job? ;) Since they didn't say anything, I assume they liked it.

god how could you write this and not tell us how it ended!!! are you a girl?guy? and the interviewer? worst fml I've seen yet. thanks for nothin.

OP is a woman. I too want to know the gender of the interviewer however...

I really hope you ended the interview by saying, "How YOU doin'?" and winking.

I see, the interviewer failed to move his leg okay. nice. still want the nitty gritty though!

shnibz101 0