By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 19:00 - United States

Today, I had a job interview. I have a nervous tendency to rub my foot against the bar under the table. After the interview I noticed I had been rubbing my foot against the interviewer's leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 483
You deserved it 39 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments


seb12992 0

Considering the interviewer didn't tell you, I'm assuming he liked it and you'll be starting on Monday.

King_of_Kings 3

eh, it happens. dont worry about it. if you guys reading this want to see some good videos of Things That Deserver To Be Destroyed, follow the following link -

lucksnothear1 0

HAHA!! did u get the job???? i mean they didn't stop you.

know1shome 0

So, I hear you come here often..

Junkson 0

OMG that is f•cking HILARIOUS!!! Hahahaha!!!!

alex_vik 0

Well, if it was a guy, and he had a foot fetish, you're in luck.

alex_vik 0

The interviewer should have said something

TheUnnamedOne 0

Today, a woman I was interviewing for a job kept rubbing her foot against my leg. Then I realized it was the most excited I've been in months. FML I read that while moderating FMLs...O.O

Are you serious? If that's true that's hilarious.