By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


allihall127 0

YDI for thinking that you can tell her what to do. She's not your property, you have no right. Good for her!

it was a joke... and his wife overreacted... i the situation was vise verssa, then I would say the same thing... so go to the kitchen and make me some lunch please :D

tfiggs 0

Next time tell her to do it, or youll put your hand down.

What you said was perfectly acceptable, shes a woman, therefore she should make a sandwich or dinner because thats the only thing women are good at other than in the bedroom. THis is not sexist its called the reality of life

wrong choice of words when you told her to "get back in here." All I have to say is that you'll think about what you're saying to her in a fight next time. Lesson learned.

What's with all the YDIs? Even if he was being a douche, I'm sure it DIDN'T call for something like getting hit in the head with a frying pan. **** all of you who are saying YDI, you're all sexist. Your life sucks dude, I'm on your side ;)

Wow. You people are idiots. I don't care if what he said was sexist, what she did was assault. If a man had come and slapped her across the face for a sexist remark, everyone would be crying "OMG DOMESTIC ABUSE." But because the 'victim' is a woman, her retaliating violently is okay? What if he got seriously hurt? ****. I hate double standards for both genders. He's an asshole for making a comment, sure, but she's a crazy bitch for acting violently. God most of you make me lose my faith in humanity.

@185 Shut up. Just because you're a "manly" man doesn't mean that you can justify your opinion by calling it "the reality of life." Who says that women can't be anything useful to society? Why is it that only men can be accepted as the leaders of the community? I don't agree with what the OP's wife did, but his sexist comment sent evolution back to the 20's, when women barely did anything to stop this oppression. Why can't you understand that men and women are equal? **** you.

You, sir, are a dumbass! No man with half a brain would EVER say something so asinine! as⋅i⋅nine  –adjective 1. foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid: It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements. 2. of or like an ass: asinine obstinacy; asinine features. Origin: 1600–10; < L asinīnus, equiv. to asin(us) ass 1 + -īnus -ine 1 Related forms: as⋅i⋅nine⋅ly, adverb as⋅i⋅nin⋅i⋅ty  /ˌæsəˈnɪnɪti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [as-uh-nin-i-tee] Show IPA , noun Synonyms: 1. See foolish.

miharu365 0

...Pain is funny no matter the gender of the person recieving it.

Get back in the kitchen and make her a forgiveness sammich!

FTW! Go Girl. Also, hope the door hits you on the way out mister, bit more poetic justice, =P