By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States

Today, I had dinner at my girlfriend's house with her parents. Everything was going great, until after dinner when her dad pulled me aside and told me he'd heard us having sex. I was out of town all weekend for a baseball tournament. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 399
You deserved it 3 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead of "DUMP THAT *****" I'm going to go with a more elegant "ditch that bitch"

savona01 7

That sucks! It happen to me....with my wife! While I was out of town for Training...


brittk23 0

Uhhhhh isn't there not even any type of baseball season right now...?

I can't stand people like that.. My ex did that to me : and get this, she's probably pregnant now.

Cheat back on her. Tell her to come over ur house and start doing another person and when she comes pretend like u don't know her

We, (girls) sometime do watch **** video in our room, specially when we feel alone, with our man out of town... Come on, you really think she was having sex at her parent's place ?

Man, that so sucks donkey balls. I hope you outed that cheating bitch in front of her family right then and there. I imagine something like this: "Thank you for a lovely dinner Mrs. (insert name), it was delicious!" "And thank you Mr. (insert name) for the information." "By the way, I was away at a baseball tourny all last weekend, so it was not me you heard slamming your **** daughter's head into her bedroom wall." "Goodnight"

I can't help but think maybe Dad was setting you up in some way. Think it out, try to put the other facts together and see if maybe he'd **** with you for some reason, not to mention, would your girl be willing to jump anyone where he could hear?

tbone87 1

I guess he hasn't seen you're baseball!

Awwww that sucks!! Sorry mate looks like you need to get a new girlfriend!