By E.S. - 23/10/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I had lunch with some important potential clients at a fancy restaurant. I really wanted to make a good impression. When the piano music stopped, I started clapping while looking around for the pianist. Apparently, it was a CD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 179
You deserved it 40 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry OP, youre an idiot. but you made me laugh

perdix 29

You should have gotten up and tipped the boom box.


alpolitikat 0

In your face :D Lol. I wonder what did you do after that.

YDI for clapping. especially in a fancy restaurant. ur only meant 2 clap in concerts. and also u were with potential clients...what were u thinking? u could impress them with ur clapping? lol

dudeitsdanny 9

I bet the OP thought he had this thunderous applause that makes people stand up and applaud when he does.

sorry mate even if it was a real pianist people don't clap for them at a restaurant

This is definitely more awkward then FML-worthy. Play him off, Keyboard Cat.

Aaaah that sounds like something I'd do :S

perdix 29

You should have gotten up and tipped the boom box.

HAHAHA definitely one of my favorite FMLs