By E.S. - 23/10/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I had lunch with some important potential clients at a fancy restaurant. I really wanted to make a good impression. When the piano music stopped, I started clapping while looking around for the pianist. Apparently, it was a CD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 179
You deserved it 40 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry OP, youre an idiot. but you made me laugh

perdix 29

You should have gotten up and tipped the boom box.


stimpy1313 0

I work at a fancy restaurant where we really have a pianist, and those sitting near her DO clap for her when she finishes songs. More like a golf clap, but definitely a clap. So this DOES happen! (Clapping in fancy restaurants)

How is clapping going to impress someone. "Well I wasn't going to use your company until this shit chucking ape over here started clapping."

Hah! To be fair though, OP didn't say that he was clapping to impress anyone.

Honestly I just don't see the big deal here. So the OP clapped? If I had done this I would've laughed and been like "I thought someone was actually playing! That was great!" and they probably would have had a chuckle and the moment would've passed.

Exactly! The OP should have laughed it off, and it would have shown character.

that's awesome! I've probably been close to that.. but timing is everything.

In response to all of those saying people shouldn't clap in a restaurant- you should if you're considerate! As a musician myself (cellist) I would be most irritated if people didn't at least give a small appreciative clap.

#34, I'm a musician (classically-trained singer), too, and even I know that there are times when musicians have to realize that they won't always be applauded for their work because it's not appropriate to the situation. People don't applaud in restaurants because it would disturb other patrons. If you enjoy the piano playing, you make it a point to say something to the pianist on the way out or give him or her a tip. There are some venues where you have to realize that applause isn't an appropriate response and would be disruptive to the place's environment.

So? How were you supposed to know? Oh, and here's a tip - don't applaud in a restaurant; that's poor restaurant etiquette. If you want to be nice to live restaurant performer(s), then give them your thanks personally, drop them a few bones if you want, and be on your merry way. Besides that, clapping in a restaurant can be embarrassing for the musicians as well. YDI for bad manners.

Failure2Life 0

I'm soooo sorry this happened! but my life has been going to hell lately so thanks you for putting a smile on my face :) (sorry it was at the expense of your pride)

Today I realized I am a dumb blonde. FML