By John - 24/06/2011 07:17 - United States

Today, I had my anus probed twice by two different doctors. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids. I'm a 22 year old guy and have to schedule a colonoscopy for next week. I guess there's a first time for everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 124
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)


Crystallion 0

So what. This just happened to my boyfriend two weeks ago. He's 18.


dude I got one when i was 14 and the doctor went to far with the laser and put a hole in my intestine i spent the whole year recovering from surgery

i had my first colonoscopy when i was 9. its not that bad.

If you can avoid surgery, do it. I had that surgery and it was the worst thing I ever went through. Best advice: DRINK SO MUCH WATER!

I feel you, literally. Same thing happened with me. Look at it this way, it could be worse. You could be like my gay friend who complains JUST to get his ass probed. he loves it.

i dont see why you are complaining so much. i've had two colonoscopy's and im not even 19 yet...

tarmslol 1

I'm a 16 year old male and I've had three colonoscopies and have been diagnosed with lymphoid hyperplasia and have had two polyps stop whining

Haha beat you! 16, with 4! oh wait.. not something I want to win at..

Solution: grow up or man up. I'd rather a bit of discomfort than dying of colorectal cancer. it's slow, an by the end, even morphine won't stop the pain

medicranger 1

Were the doctors descent looking at least? You can get fingered by an ugly doctor or at least get fingered by a good looking one. take your pick...

redmnky21 8

hey... hey... anal is fantastic... quit complaining and admit you enjoy it too